Pontiac watches chrome table lighter 1950 Belgium
Pontiac watches chrome table lighter from the 1950’s from Belgium
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This is a quality table lighter with the Pontiac Watch brand name on one side and the dealer name from Leuven Belgium on the other side. This item probably sat proud on the jewelers counter giving a customer looking for a famous Pontiac Watch a light to his cigarette or cigar. It was located on the Tienseweg 185 in Leuven but the building has been demolished a long time ago. Probably from the era 1950-1960 looking at the design. It is in good condition and all parts are there but I did not test it. So sold as display item. It measure ca. 10 cm or 4 inches high. Make sure to listen to the attached period correct video on Otis Redding song on Cigarettes and Coffee.